Continually crashing and d/c from server!
Also a pay to win mmo:
Hi, I just wanted to give my feed back on Grinfall your game for devices. Although a potentially fun game - since your update with the introduction of ghost troops the game has become even more unbalanced than before.
Also alliance with over 15 members still overpower those with 15 members regardless of the handicap in place.
Also having spend a lot of money in this game - the prices for your wheel of fortune is too costly for the average player.
In round 104 the same thing happened like in round 63 - even with the handicap in place an alliance with over 20 members still controlled the game and laying claim to main forts early on in the game - this left a boring gameplay for all players in the round because those with 15 and under members cannot catch up. The op alliance has gold elite troops while all others are still training standard and some blue elite.
In the end I deleted my game from my device: in round 63 I was in an over powered alliance that controlled all with nothing to do after, and in round 63 I was in 15 member alliance watching the op alliance take all due to the fact they had more players and used gold non stop.
Am somewhat disappointed in what could have been an awesome game:(
Yianling about Grimfall - Strategy Game, v1.9.2